Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Weekend Before Halloween

Freak Squad here!

Just letting everyone know how our weekend went. We visited Riverdale and Puck's Farm! It's great to see everyone's Hallowwen spirit. Both farms were decorated with pumpkins and scary decorations. The Freak Squad is so excited for Halloween on Saturday! (come find us at Casa Loma for the Halloween Party!)

Today at Puck's farm was extra exciting because we had another Freaky FLicker fanatic find a SILVER Freaky Flicker!!! We played a couple differnt games today with everyone - some even started their won games! There were a couple birthday parties that happened today - check out the last couple of pictures to see the happy birthday people.

Have a great weeeeeeeek. Hope you are all getting your halloween costumes ready. I sure know the Freak Squad is. Let us know what you guys are going to be! Send in some pictures and check out all of our pictures on facebook.

Freaky Squad out~
ABF: Always Be FLickin

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkinville and Pucks Farm

Hey all!

Did you guys have a good weekend? I know the Freak Squad did; we had more than a good weekend, it was amazing! On Saturday we went to Pumpkinville in Ajax and had a fun filled day! We played some new games that we had never played before and everyone seemed to love it. We used out big Freaky FLicker hands and tried to get the kids to throw the Freaky Flickers inside. Much harder than it looks. There were so many kids we were running out of toys by the end of the day! It was extra special as well because we had someone find the very first SILVER Freaky Flicker - so very RARE!! Ryan ( the person who found it) was very excited. Check out the picture! At the end of the day the Squad was so tired from all of the excitment but we still had enough energy for our Sunday at Puck's Farm.

Sunday was a very nice day, much warmer than Saturday which meant lots of families were out enjoying the weather. Pucks Farm was just as amazing as the last time we were there. We also tried new flicking techniques using the big hands! Hopefully we will be back there again soon!

Make sure to go to our Facebook to see all the pictures from this weekend!!!! SO many to see. There were some pretty cool halloween costumes at Pumpkinville as well - keep an eye out for them.

~Freak Squad Out!

ABF: Always Be Flickin

Monday, October 12, 2009

HabourKids Fest

Hey all you Freaks and Flickers!

Were you down at Harboufront for the HarbourKids fest today? The Freak Squad was! We braved the cold just for you guys so you coudl enjoy some free Freaky Flickers. Check out all the pictures on facebook! But here are a couple sneak peaks at the day

Freaky Squad Out~

ABF: ALwaysb Be Flickin

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Puck's Farm

It was such a nice fall day today! A little chilly some times but when the sun was out, it was gorgeous!

The Freak Squad went to Puck's Farm today. They had horse drawn hay rides, a corn field maze, rides and carnival food. There were so many families to play Freaky Flicker games with. We had a couple people who liked them so much we made them part of the Freak Squad for the day. They even helped explain the Freaky Flicker games to other children.

We have not found any more Golden Flickers but we are keeping our eyes open for them. If anyone happens to find really rare ones please write us a comment and send a picture to and we can post you picture on our blog for everyone else to see!!!

~ Freak Squad Out

ABF: Always Be Flickin!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkin Fest at East Lynn Park

Hey all,

The Freak Squad checked out Pumpkinfest today and had a great time with Snoopy and the bouncy castles.

And then we caught up with a group of kids leaving the festival - check out their enthusiasm for Freaky FLickers!!

Look for us around the city this weekend at different Harvest Festivals and Pumpkin Farms.

Freak Squad Out ~

ABF: Always Be Flickin

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rainy Day In Toronto

So the Freak Squad got caught in the rain today in Toronto.
We were quite excited for the Fall Fairs at High Park and Downsview Park but the rain made things alittle gray today.

But the Freak Squad always can make a good time happen even in bad weather. Stay tuned for pictures of where the Freaky Flickers van was seen around the city this weekend. And check out the picture of the big winners from our games today at High Park.

~ Freak Squad Out

ABF: Always be Flickin

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Video!

Hey Guys, check out our newest video!

~ The Freak Squad

The Skate Park and The Golden Flicker!!!

Hey Freaky Flicker Fans,

Sorry it has been such a long time since we updated the blog. The Freak Squad has been quite busy planning new events for the Freaky Flickers to attend.

Today we were able to go the Beaches Skate Park Grand Opening. We had people of all ages interested in Freaky Flickers. We took a lot of amazing pictures so be sure to check out our Facebook page to see them all.

It was a very special day for Freaky Flickers. The first GOLDEN FREAKY FLICKER was found today - it was in one of the foil packages. This is a picture of our winner! Congratulations!
We also had some kids find a black Mumm, a Glow in the Dark Glub Glub and a pink Bot 3000! These are some VERY VERY VERY Rare Freaky Flickers. They are very valuable!!!

The kids we had playing with us today were extra special. They loved Freaky Flickers soo much that they made up their own games and got others to join in!

We also made a stop at the Markham Fair in the morning and went to The Exhibition Stadium this afternoon. Stayed tuned tomorrow for pictures from these stops.

See you all tomorrow at The Downsview Park Fall Fair and the High Park Fall Fair!

Freak Squad out!

ABF: Always Be Flickin'