Friday, September 25, 2009

Freaky Flicker Updates and Pumpkinland

The Freak Squad started the weekend off right with a trip to PUMPKIN LAND! Had a great time looking at all the different sized pumpkins and playing in the bouncy castle. And we of course made time to play some Freaky Flickers games.

Be sure to check out to see the updated website that includes new games and tells you where you can buy Freaky Flickers from so you can begin your search for the Golden Flicker.

Speaking of the Golden Flicker, there is also a website up about the Freaky Flickers movie that will be coming out. If you want more details go to

As well check out for lots more information on all of the different characters and find out their special powers and which ones are the rarest.

Please leave us comments or if you have any questions let us know, we are more than happy to answer them.

Freak Squad Out!

ABF: Always Be Flickin!

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